Enjoy your well deserved retreat. You might enjoy Yancey’s essay on the artistic and sacred need for respite and sanctuary:


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Blessings on a time of hidden rest and renewal. Takes as long as it takes! The world is in good hands while you do.

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May you go on holiday/retreat unobserved, your house being now at rest.

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Thank you for this article. I recently watched your interview with Alastair McIntosh, fantastic imo and will definitely be having a second (and probably third) viewing! Have a blessed rest.

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Thank you for sharing!!! Oblivion - a word that holds so much emotion! Hope your time away is restful for the body & soul!

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It’s 2:30 am in the morning. I am having another wakeful moment, and because it’s the weekend, have grabbed my phone and am reading snippets from my favourite writers. Your book is on my bedside table. It has been like a balm on my soul to read. I always look forward to each chapter. It’s human and so real, it’s like a retreat I look forward to each time. So, thank you for your honesty and vulnerability which makes your work so real to me. Well done for committing yourself to your word and switching off. Being, not seeming.

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One only realises how addicted to anything one is (including 'activity', achieving goals, etc) when one stops for a decent length of time. As I am currently finding out myself. Enjoy an unproductive rest without any guilt. :)

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Thank you for the link to your conversation with Damir Marusic. I love 'The Wisdom of Crowds' and find his 'sceptical questions' challenging and helpful.

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“Those who wish to be/Must put aside the alienation/Get on with the fascination/The relation/The underlying theme.” —Rush, “Limelight”

Blessings to you!

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